Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm back....

...and it's all thanks to Paul (aka Queenieboy!).

I've just spent an hour on the phone with him (was a rather one-sided conversation, but I know Paul wont take offence at that comment. In fact he would probably agree with me when I say he could jaw for England!!!!) during which he re-introduced me to the beauty of blogging!

So with a mild fanfare (parp!) it's a pleasure to be back with you and i'm hoping this should be the start of what I am hoping to be a good stress relief (masturbation is soooo passe!).

Tomorrow sees the first "online film review" and with more juicy entries planned, it should be worth checking in when you can!

Love 2 U all

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

Welcome back to the world kitten

and yes ... jaw for England is a mild understatement with me really.
x x x